Entourage Consulting is a Maryland Clinical Director service for cannabis dispensaries. Our team members are Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) approved Clinical Directors and provider of medical cannabis consulting. We have extensive education and experience to assist cannabis patients in the challenges they face in working with cannabinoid therapeutics. If you need a Clinical Director for your Maryland dispensary or a dispensary in another state, please contact us for more information. Entourage Consulting is an independent contractor with six years of dispensary experience and product evaluation in Maryland. We provide on call options for patient oversight and education for dispensary staff per the Maryland regulations below.

COMAR requirements for a dispensary clinical director.
Pursuant to Maryland COMAR, every dispensary is to enlist a Clinical Director to perform the under stated duties.
Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director – Clinical Director Responsibilities – COMAR
10.62.31 Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director
.01 Clinical Director Responsibilities.
A. A licensed dispensary shall appoint an individual to serve as a clinical director who:
(1) Is eligible to serve as a certifying provider, as defined in Health-General Article, §13-3301, Annotated Code of Maryland;
(2) Is a licensed pharmacist in good standing with the State Board of Pharmacy; or
(3) Has substantial education, training, and experience in the medical use of cannabis, as determined by the Commission.
B. During the hours of operation a licensed dispensary shall have a clinical director:
(1) Onsite; or
(2) Available via electronic communication.
C. A clinical director shall:
(1) Register with the Commission;
(2) Complete at least one training course each year that is approved by the commission, which includes:
(i) The latest scientific research on medical cannabis, (ii) The risks and benefits of medical cannabis; and (iii) Other information deemed necessary by the Commission;
(3) Educate qualifying patients and caregivers on treatment of the qualifying patient’s medical condition with medical cannabis and:
(i) Potential drug-to-drug interactions, including interactions with alcohol, prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, and supplements;
(ii) Possible side effects or contraindications of medical cannabis use;
(iii) The potential for differing strengths and effects of medical cannabis strains; and
(iv) Different methods, forms, and routes of medical cannabis administration.
(4) Develop and provide training to dispensary agents on:
(i) Guidelines for providing information to qualifying patients related to risks, benefits, and side effects associated with medical cannabis;
(ii) Recognizing signs and symptoms of substance abuse; and
(iii) Guidelines for refusing to provide medical cannabis to an individual who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
D. A clinical director for a licensed dispensary may not provide a written certification for medical cannabis to any qualifying patient.
E. On or before June 1 each year, each licensee shall submit a report in a manner determined by the Commission on:
(1) The number of patient and caregiver questions received by a clinical director of the licensee;
(2) The content of any patient or caregiver questions directed to a clinical director of the licensee; and
(3) The response to patient and caregiver questions provided by a clinical director of the licensee.
Contact us today for all your cannabis dispensary consulting needs.