About Us

Entourage Consulting was founded by Dawn Marie Steenstra LPN,  SDC, IC, QA  to bring natural health consulting services to patients and provide clinical director services for medical cannabis dispensaries in Maryland. We incorporate holistic practices and healthy lifestyle suggestions with education regarding cannabinoid therapeutics for patients wishing to integrate this into their health regimen. Dawn is an Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) approved Clinical Director and provides full cannabis Clinical Director services to Maryland dispensaries as defined by COMAR 10.62.31.

Dawn Marie has multiple cannabis professional trainings and is a national speaker for the Cannabis Nurses Network Speakers Bureau and the Cannabis Science Conference among other networks in the industry. She was a member of the founding Board of Directors for the American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA), serving from 2012-2015. Dawn Marie has taken a leading role in advocating for the very best educational resources for Maryland’s clinicians and patients alike.

Dawn Steenstra with Montel Williams and Dustin Sulak
Entourage Consulting  founder Dawn Steenstra with Montel Williams, Dr. Dustin Sulak and Dr. Patricia Frye

CONCEPT:  We utilize a full service licensed team of integrative health care professionals providing patient consulting services to advise patients in reducing polypharmacy, improve quality of life, and reduce suffering utilizing a customized proprietary assessment process with a focus on cannabinoid therapeutics and holistic care alternatives.

MISSION:  To promote wellness through natural integrative healthcare processes, to enhance quality of life and lessen suffering. 

CORE PRINCIPLES:  Balancing Mind, Body and Spirit.   

WHO WE SERVE: Legal registered medical cannabis patients , home bound patients, hospice patients, nursing home and assisted living patients, retirement communities, veterans and addiction/ rehabilitation patients


  • Step 1
    • Patient self assessment, history & first  interview 
    • History and physical assessment 
    • Pain management review 
    • Medication assessment
    • Psychological review
    • Cannabis assessment and Education as required under Maryland COMAR- experience, appropriate admin methods, dosage, ratio/proportions
    • Risk/Addictions assessment 
  • Step 2
    • Pharmaceutical and Holistic Assessment
      • Hierarchy of needs
      • Drug interactions and side effects 
      • Harm reduction/Risk Evaluation
      • Cannabinoid Ratios and Terpene Blends
      • Review of patient assessment and recommendations
        • Recommend Holistic Patient Care Plan
        • Lifestyle & Wellness Evaluation
  • Step 3 
    • Personalized Patient Care Plan
    • Complicated Homebound Disabled Clients
    • Specializes in Ventilator Care
    • Geriatric Specialty Practice
    • Opioid Dependence and Addictions Protocols
  • Step 4 -Continued outreach to attending/recommending physician for continuity of care and concurrence
  • Step 5- Patient journaling and review of efficacy
  • Step 6 – Continuing loop feedback to agency and follow up visits with nurse

Let Entourage Consulting educate you and your loved ones about the amazing natural healing properties of the cannabis plant and how to integrate this ancient remedy into your health and wellness practice today!

Contact us today for more details or to schedule a consult.

Individual Cannabis Patient Consulting
Individualized Attention for Patients


Clinical Director Services for Maryland Dispensaries:

We offer dispensary staff development, training, education and patient consulting. Records Keeping and Reports as required by MCA. Contact us for more information.

Monthly retainer fee plus hourly fee for educational time, mileage and reports.

Public Speaking/ Webinars:

Dawn-Marie is a Founding Member of The American Cannabis Nurses Association and The Cannabis Nurses Network She is a first class graduate of the Cannabis Nurses Network Speakers Bureau and National Ambassador for United Patients Group.